From Auditions to Applause: How to Find the Perfect Musical Theater Classes in Your Area

Have you found yourself searching "musical theater classes near me" - but you're not sure what would be a good fit?

Finding the perfect musical theater classes can be the key to unlocking your child's performing potential. Whether you're child is a seasoned performer or a beginner looking to enter the world of musical theater, the right classes can provide the training and guidance they need to shine. 

Searching for "musical theater classes near me" can be a pretty tricky search! With so many options available, it's important to find classes and programs that are a not only a "good fit," but also challenge and inspire them to grow as performers.

Why are Musical Theatre Classes Important?

Musical theater classes offer so many benefits for aspiring performers– like providing a structured environment for learning and growth and exposing your kiddos to a community of like-minded individuals who share their passion for the stage.

Through scene work, improvisation exercises, and vocal training, they’ll have the chance to explore different characters, styles, and genres, allowing you to develop a versatile range as a performer.

When they’re studying musical theatre at a premier performing arts school (like Performers Theatre Workshop!) they’ll learn first-hand from instructors (and be alongside other students) who have been on Broadway, in blockbuster movies, television shows, and so much more.

Probably most importantly, though, is that great musical theatre classes will create a community for your kid to take risks in a safe, supportive environment. 

What to Look for in Musical Theatre Classes

Not all musical theater classes are created equal.

So when searching for that perfect program, there are a few key qualities to look for to ensure you're getting the most out of your experience:

  • It aligns with your and your kids’ goals and aspirations. Are you looking for a class that focuses on ensemble work, or do you prefer individual coaching? Do you want to explore a specific genre, such as classical musicals or contemporary theater? Understanding what you hope to gain from the class will help narrow down your options and ensure you find a program that meets your needs.
  • It’s a reputable school or program. Look for programs that have a history of producing successful performers and have connections within the industry. After being in the industry for over 40  years and having seen dozens of our students perform on Broadway stages, we always like to let parents know that not only are our programs well-crafted, but our teachers are loved, trusted, and bring success to their students.
  • The class size and student-to-teacher ratio are small. Smaller classes often provide more personalized attention and allow for more individualized feedback and coaching, which is why on average, our class sizes are around a 6-to-1 student-to-teacher ratio.

How to Find Musical Theatre Classes in Your Area

Now that you know what to look for in a musical theater class, it's time to start your search!

Musical theatre classes, lessons, and programs should be easy not just to join, but to inquire about before joining. You should be able to get in contact easily, schedule a tour, and even chat with some teachers, staff, parents, and even students before committing.

We love when prospective families come to visit our locations so we can learn more about what they’re looking for and so they can see our classes and programs themselves! Families oftentimes even shadow a part of a class so they can see the energy for themselves!

How to Choose the Right Class for Your Kid’s Skill Level

Some classes may be geared towards beginners, while others may require a certain level of proficiency, so choosing a class that matches your skill level will ensure you're challenged without feeling overwhelmed or left behind.

A reputable musical theatre program will audition or screen your child so they can determine their place in the program themselves, so you never have to worry or second-guess that you’ve put them in the wrong class.

How Your Child Can Succeed in Musical Theatre Classes

Once you've chosen a musical theater lesson, there are several tips you can follow to get the most out of your experience and set yourself up for success.

  • Prepare before their first class. We always provide parents with a guide on what their child needs, including any specific shoes, clothing, binders, or recording devices.
  • Give your child space and time to practice. We have high standards for our students, especially when it comes to rehearsing and being prepared for their next class. We understand that not everyone’s home is equipped with a full dance space, and will suggest anything they might need if they’re struggling to get practice in. 
  • Learn how to take feedback and critique. We’re all about fostering a supportive ecosystem for our students, which includes learning how to take feedback. Our faculty knows how to provide feedback that’s encouraging and supportive while equally making it clear for students to apply to their work.

Start Your Child’s Journey at Performers Theatre Workshop!

Performers Theatre Workshop is THE place to be to spark your child’s inner musical theater star! Help them get top-notch training, meet amazing friends, gain oodles of confidence, and have a blast performing on stage. Get started now!